There's nothing like spending Sunday afternoon in a state of Chapter's Bookstore style bliss. Went with an old friend, and just sat around reading for a couple of hours. I read the first few chapters of Douglas Coupland's book Life After God, then found this beautiful quote in the last chapter:
"Now -- here is my secret: I tell it to you with an openness of heart I doubt I shall ever achieve again, so I pray that you are in a quiet room as you hear these words. My secret is that I need God - that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem capable of giving; to help me to be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond able to love."
Thanks to Steve McEvoy for posting the quote on his website, I found this quote to be beautiful and profound and touching, because really, Jesus is the fulfillment of our human need. I believe that this is at least in part what Jesus meant when He claimed to be the Bread of Life, and the Living Water. He is our Source and our goal; or striving and our peace; He is our holy contrition and our sacred joy. He was given for us on the cross, fulfilling all of God's promises to both the ancients and to us. Now, it is up to us to walk in the grace of Christ. I will stop writing before I get to sentimental. May you walk through the week in the grace and fellowship of the Father, the Word, and the Spirit.
"Now -- here is my secret: I tell it to you with an openness of heart I doubt I shall ever achieve again, so I pray that you are in a quiet room as you hear these words. My secret is that I need God - that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem capable of giving; to help me to be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond able to love."
Thanks to Steve McEvoy for posting the quote on his website, I found this quote to be beautiful and profound and touching, because really, Jesus is the fulfillment of our human need. I believe that this is at least in part what Jesus meant when He claimed to be the Bread of Life, and the Living Water. He is our Source and our goal; or striving and our peace; He is our holy contrition and our sacred joy. He was given for us on the cross, fulfilling all of God's promises to both the ancients and to us. Now, it is up to us to walk in the grace of Christ. I will stop writing before I get to sentimental. May you walk through the week in the grace and fellowship of the Father, the Word, and the Spirit.
Glad you like the quote. I have 3 pages full of them further down in the website.
Steven R. McEvoy, At
5:59 AM
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