crazed ninjas anonymous

Friday, May 05, 2006

An Open Letter to God

Oh God, why does it hurt so much? Why is love painful? Why is it sweet at the same time? Why can't I understand myself, much less you? Why does all this seem so futile right now? I don't get a thing. I feel isolated within my own skull and confused out of it at the same time. Why is this happening to me? Why can't I understand? What to make of it? Oh God, why does this hurt?
Jesus, you suffered the cross and were forsaken by the Father so that when I would suffer, I would not be forsaken. I know I am not forsaken, but in all honesty, it still feels that way. I feel like I'm caught in space, suspended between heaven, earth, and hell itself. And the strangest thing is that I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm still deciding where my heart is. Where are my affections set? What am I living for anymore? I'm still not sure... I am caught in a paradox. Not that this paradox is an altogether bad place to be, but it might not be the best place to spend forever. Oh God, how do I get out? When do I get out? When's the part where you tell me what life is all about and maybe even give me a few hints about how to live it? I feel like I slept through the important stuff that you taught that I needed to know. I'm so utterly confused, disillusioned and generally disappointed with how things go that I don't know what to do with myself. Give me answers, if you're still there.

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This post was written late at night after being told that we have found a house in a different province. I'll write something a little more coherent for y'all later.


  • UMMM UMMMM UMMMM! * tries to think hard of something to say while panicking* ...... UMMM!...*panicks more, feeling slightly sick*... UMMMMMM! UMMMMM! *decides that its probably best to go breath into a paper bag* ok yeah i need an update, please. in the mean time hang in there.

    By Blogger Iara, At 9:59 AM  

  • btw its sunday and its like 1 pm and i am home

    By Blogger Iara, At 9:59 AM  

  • no, honestly, i'm okay.... well, more okay than i was when i wrote that post. i'll keep everyone updated.

    By Blogger Brahm, At 12:32 PM  

  • and i won't forget about you, my friends. it's kinda impossible i think. haha, every time someone says "cricket" i'm going to die laughing. plus my arm is still scarred from that incident with the juice box :-p. that's a wonderful reminder haha.

    By Blogger Brahm, At 9:16 PM  

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