crappy pic of me from the winter ->
A new week. The week always starts with Monday. I really hate that. Why does the week always start with Monday? I probably sound like a whiny wage-slave who is tied to a pathetic schedule of work with no fun going on at all; maybe it's because I am. I don't actually have a job; I'm a grade-11 highschool student who is sick and tired of bumming around with education and just wants to be out in the world enjoying it. When I arrive out west, my priorities will be to find a decent martial arts school, a church, and a job. Hopefully I will develop my earning power to the point of being able to fly back to the 'Loo and K-Town to visit from time to time. I want to come back and continue my training in Shinki Ryu. It would be a shame to have thrown myself passionately into something for a good six years only to give it up and have so much of it go to waste. Of course, even if I don't continue in the martial arts, I will still posess the values of honour, discipline and respect that have been instilled in me through my training. However, I would still like to remember for the rest of my life how to kill a man with my bare hands. Just joking. Actually not. :-p
There is really nothing new to let the reader in on. I went to Relay for Life on the weekend, that was good fun. It was nice to know that, although nobody actually walked around the track, we were raising money for a worthy cause. The tents were soaked, but nobody slept anyways. All in all it was a decent weekend.
So that's been my life lately. Nothing too exciting, nothing too dull. Hope you have a great week.
you know why you look angry in that pic? because you are in a tim hortons and you are probably drinking coffee and your liver and other vital organs are most likely protesting and all angry that they are going to be awake for another 10 hours and wont get their 3 am nap time, so they took it out on your facial expression. lol now if we were to talk a picture of you now in a tim hortons, you would be drinking tea of hot chocolate and i'm sure you would look really happy cause your liver and other vital organs would be glad that they get to sleep at 3 am. now arnt you glad that you stopped drinking coffee. even if it was almost like killing a best friend. lol
~love iara
Iara, At
8:55 PM
Iara, At
8:57 PM
yeah, you're probably right. and i am glad that you made me stop drinking coffee.
Brahm, At
5:16 AM
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Anonymous, At
10:47 AM
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Anonymous, At
11:23 AM
you need to update... please?? *insert angelic face here*
Iara, At
4:57 PM
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