crazed ninjas anonymous

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Somewhat More Coherent Update for Everyone, Some Thoughts & A Song

Mother returned from Manitoba today with her friend. They found a really awesome looking place in a smaller city southwest of Winnipeg. It even has a firepit in the back yard.... this will make for a *cough* interesting summer. She also grabbed a driver's handbook for me... apparently it is much easier and also less expensive to get a driver's liscence in Manitoba. That will make for some interesting weekends partying and getting DRUNK in Winnipeg! (haha just joking Mom :-) But in all seriousness, it looks like a wonderful place. However, I will miss everyone here in the Loo and K-Town desperately. I had a good conversation with an old aquaintance on MSN last night who currently resides in Saskatchewan. He was a huge encouragement... he reminded me to acknowledge God's hand in my life, and to learn the lessons that God tries to teach through seemingly tragic events. I guess moving isn't all that tragic... the world is small enough for me to come back and visit on occaision. I am looking forward to learning and growing more and more; please pray that I will go into this time with mind, heart and eyes wide open to see the hand and face of God in every situation that I find myself in. Apparently there is a karate school and a kickboxing club in this new town... although I am familiar with and have adaquete skill in karate, I am rather curious about Muay Thai (kickboxing). Again, it could be an interesting summer.

A special thanks to those who expressed concern at my last post... I'm okay, I was just tired and angry. I was getting a bit keyboard-happy.


  • I MISS YOU BRAHMAGE! lol i'm calling you soon! WOOT!

    By Blogger Iara, At 6:47 PM  

  • WOOT! Write another one! YEE HAH!

    By Blogger Iara, At 8:49 PM  

  • Hey Brahm,
    I enjoy reading your blog -- it's like seeing into your heart. You know I love you lots! I am so "impressed" with your desire to do this move well - to be open to let God use this time to grow you in your faith in Him -- He will NOT forsake you!
    As for the drunk driving.....I will be chatting with you one on one! moM

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:44 AM  

  • This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:47 AM  

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